युद्ध का हथियार — हमारा पहला प्यार
Weapons of war — our first and foremost love
Weapons of war — our first and foremost love
Just as we eat our food
Just as we wear our clothes
Just as we go to school
We hear of yet another shooting
We used to worship God, now we worship guns
Perhaps the soul of this country has fallen ill
Perhaps it’s spirit has broken
How many more blessings and prayers will we have to give?
How many more candles for the slain will we have to light?
How many more times will we read of the shooter’s “troubled life”?
Our children are marching for their lives
While our politicians are lining their pockets
They have chosen bullets over love
They have chosen the NRA over the ERA
Is this what our founding fathers wanted?
That these sacred guns have more rights
…than our own children?
They told us that God made all men equal
Yet it seems that guns are more equal than humans
This generation has been tasked to end this madness
And we must finish this task now
Otherwise, it will be us
For whom they will light the candles